Long time, no see! Time for some news...
Time flied in 2021! Here are some of the good news of the year...
In January, we received our brand-new Zeiss LSM900 Airyscan 2 confocal microscope, which was installed in an entirely renovated microscopy room. Amazing machine for super resolution and live-cell imaging!

In February, we were happy to welcome a new postdoc fellow, Dr Natacha ZANIN. Natacha is native from France, she did her PhD at the Institut Curie in Paris (France) and a first postdoc at The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology - University of Oxford (UK). Welcome Natacha!!!

Still in February, we had the STEDYCON nanoscope from Abberior Instruments in demo for two weeks.
In March, we published a review on unconventional endocytic mechanisms in Current Opinion in Cell Biology.

In May, we had a demo at KULeuven on the new Lattice Lightsheet 7 from Zeiss.
In September, we received our brand-new azimuthal TIRF from Gataca Systems, installed on a Zeiss Axio Observer basis. Stunning TIRF images!

In October, I was honored to receive a NARC fellowship from UNamur (Namur Research College).

In December, we got great news from FNRS: our two grants for equipment and for large equipment are funded! This will allow us to install STED nanoscopy and lattice light-sheet microscopy in 2022.

More adventures to come in 2022... ;-)